Bill Gates
in Heaven
in Hell
in Song <
in Custard

The Ballad Of Bill Gates

To the tune of The Ballad of Tom Jones by Space

Oh what did I do wrong?
Oh you only started clicking
Was DOS really all that bad?
It's worse than feeding in punched cards, winding tape spools, switching valve cells
Is Windows any better?
Oh you can't run it on 8 meg
You mean I need another upgrade?
I mean like hard drive, fast processor, whole new computer instead?
It was lucky for us I turned my Acorn on
They say that RISC OS is bugfree at least
There was something up with the PC that made the screen red
The keyboard was broken, the mouse surely dead

You stopped my computer from working
(Bill Gates, Bill Gates)
You'll never know but you caused me strife
(Bill Gates, Bill Gates)
I laughed as they threw custard at you
And you talk like a frog

So Excel has its problems
You mean it can't add up its sums
Still want to rewrite your software
And I still wanna fix all your bugs
I phoned the software helpline
I said it's a real pain in the neck
I'm sick of system crashes
And then I'm forced to reboot, making me sick
It was about to drive me over the edge of the cliff
Autoroute Express had the wrong turning again
A new computer took over and slammed on the brakes
It was lucky for us it was running RISC O.S.


And when 2000's over
I'll lose my work, files in a mess
I transferred to my new Acorn
The GUI was much easier and now I'm ahead
Oh your name adds up to Satan
And your computers are hell
Another system warning now
Just incase I ever get tired of the bugs
I'd used my Acorn computer so long
I'd forgotten that PCs are always going wrong...


Read the original version

E-Mail of the Faeces

to the tune of Female of the Species by Space

A thousand internal errors await me
Battling with DOS boxes so hatefully
A StrongARM in an Acorn is faster than Intel

Beep beep error error
Beep beep error
I'm pulling out my hair
For this Windows based affair
A StrongARM in an Acorn is faster than Intel

Oh PCs use Windows
One click and I've such woes
So how could I have scrapped my BBC?
It's much easier to use than a PC -
Oh how could I have scrapped my BBC?
It's much easier to use than a PC!

Impression and Sibelius are better than you
Microsoft Word joins the back of the queue
A StrongARM in an Acorn is faster than Intel

Bill Gates wants to conquer the world completely
But Acorn can do it, just more discreetly
A StrongARM in an Acorn is faster than Intel


Read the original version