Severed Hand
Download it now!

Size: | 10k |
Purpose: | Gory mouse pointer |
Requirements: | RISC OS 3 |
Licence: | Freeware |
Outstanding feature: | There's more blood than in "Hamsters"! |
Turns your mouse pointer into a hand that drips blood all over the screen!
Faulty Mouse
Download it now!

Size: | 8k |
Purpose: | Desktop silly |
Requirements: | RISC OS 3 |
Licence: | Freeware |
Outstanding feature: | Not just a simple reverse movement |
Makez yer mouse go all funni! Note that it doesn't just reverse the direction the pointer moves in - that's much too easy for the user to handle! No, Faulty Mouse keeps randomly switching between the black and white of normal and reverse gears, and all the shades of grey inbetween! Annoying to say the least, and therefore highly recommended (I'd imagine) by Jeremy Beadle...
Query Box
Download it now!

Size: | 12k |
Purpose: | Trick question |
Requirements: | RISC OS 3 |
Licence: | Freeware |
Outstanding feature: | Ooooh, the comedy! |
A daft little program to annoy people. I can't really explain it here because that would spoil the joke! A forthcoming version will include a timer option. Possibly. If I could be bothered.
Smashing PC's
Download it now!

Size: | 29k |
Purpose: | Re-live Acorn World '96 |
Requirements: | Protective goggles to protect you from flying glass |
Licence: | Freeware |
Outstanding feature: | It's what you've always wanted to do |
A program inspired by the PC demolition area at Acorn World '96. Yes, this program shows a cartoon of a Risc PC controlled mallet flying around smashing up all those horridible PCs. I was going to make this into a screensaver, but at the moment it isn't. Oh well.